Optimizing Course Scheduling at USC Marshall School of Business

18 minute read

Photo by USC Marshall
Programming Language: Python

Problem Statement

The scheduling of courses and classrooms at USC Marshall is a complicated systematic procedure with lots of constraints. Under this situation, the tradeoff between requirements of different parties involved and limited resources of classrooms during the prime-time (10am – 4pm) can be a conundrum.

After analyzing historical data, we found that in some departments, classes with low seat utilization rate indicating limited large classroom resources were not well used. However, in other departments, their courses with such high seat utilization rates denoted that classrooms were almost fully occupied and failed to provide students with a good learning experience.

Therefore, we would like to implement a prescriptive model to this case in order to help the Marshall administration office generate a satisfying course schedule so that for each Marshall class, the final number of enrolled students will be as close to the size of the classroom as possible. The objective of this optimization is to maximize the average seat utilization rate of all the courses offered by Marshall and the course arranged during prime-time (10am – 4pm) at the same time.

Data Cleaning and Wrangling

a. Import Data

We started by importing libraries, raw datasets and read them. The raw datasets here include not only course schedules in Marshall but also from other schools such as Public Policy and Law. We used Gurobi package to create a prescriptive model. Gurobi is one the most robust optimization solver for linear programming (LP) and Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) that we can use to solve this problem.

import gurobipy as grb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Read Excel files
data = "Marshall_Course_Enrollment_1516_1617.xlsx"
data2 = "Marshall_Room_Capacity_Chart.xlsx"
# Read sheets needed
schedules = pd.read_excel(data, sheet_name="Schedules")
room = pd.read_excel(data2, sheet_name="Room", index_col=0)

We converted time into decimal format in hours for easy calculations.

def convert(inputTime):
        hh, mm, ss = str(inputTime).split(':')
        ans = (float(hh)+float(mm)/float(60))
        ans = 0
    return ans

We defined a function to calculate the number of days each course requires.

def n_o_d(Days):
        ans = len(Days)
        ans = 9999
    return ans

c. Convert the original data

# Apply the convert function to begin time
schedules['First Begin Time'] = schedules['First Begin Time'].apply(convert)
# Apply the convert function to end time
schedules['First End Time'] = schedules['First End Time'].apply(convert)
# Calculate time slots needed for each course
schedules['Slots'] = np.ceil((schedules['First End Time'] - schedules['First Begin Time'])/2)
# Calculate number of days each course requires
schedules['Days per week'] = schedules['First Days'].apply(n_o_d)

d. Data cleaning

# Filter data for only courses in 2017 spring
schedules = schedules[schedules['Term'] == 20171]
# List of marshall departments
dept = ["ACCT", "BAEP", "BUCO", "DSO", "FBE", "MKT", "MOR"]
# Filter data based on the list
schedules = schedules[schedules['Department'].isin(dept)]
# Exclude online courses and courses in office
schedules = schedules[schedules['First Room'] != 'ONLINE']
schedules = schedules[schedules['First Room'] != 'OFFICE']
# Exclude courses with too large registered count that marshall classrooms cannot accommodate
schedules = schedules[schedules['Reg Count'] <= max(room.loc[:,'Size'])]
# Exclude courses with unknown duration
schedules = schedules[schedules['Slots'] != 0]
# Exclude courses that require more than two hours per day
schedules = schedules[schedules['Slots'] <= 1]
# Exclude courses that require more than two days per week
schedules = schedules[schedules['Days per week'] <= 2]
# Reindex schedules
schedules.index = range(0,len(schedules))

Assumptions and Proposal Evaluation

Before the analysis, we made five main assumptions to shrink the scope and simplify our model. The five assumptions are as follows:

  1. The analysis is only limited to courses within Marshall
  2. One course can only require two days per week at most
  3. The time slot is 2 hours (to save computational power)
  4. The registration count for each course is similar to last year
  5. Seat utilization rate and prime time utilization rate are two metrics that valued equally

To evaluate our proposal, we used readily available historical data (excel files) including Marshall_Course_Enrollment_1516_1617 and Marshall_Room_Capacity_Chart as our data inputs. We exclude those courses that are outside of Marshall or longer than 2 hours to save the computational time and narrow the scope of the problem. Also, we chose Spring 2017 as our historical data for the course and enrollment information which can serve as a reference for class scheduling of Spring 2018.

Diagnostic Analyses

We wanted to know the average utilization rate and percentage of students taking courses in the prime-time in Spring 2017.

a. Before Optimization: Average Seat Utilization Rate

# Join datasets with key 'First Room' for schedules and key 'Room' for room
data = (pd.merge(schedules, room, how = 'left', left_on= 'First Room', right_index=True)
       [['Term','Section','Department','First Begin Time','First End Time','First Room',
         'Reg Count','Seats','Size']]
       ) # Size is from room dataset not schedules dataset
# Filter out courses held in rooms outside Marshall
data = data[data['Size'].notnull()]
# Define a dictionary for the dataframe aggregation
aggregations = {
data = data.rename(columns={'Reg Count':'Registered'})
output = data.agg(aggregations)
print('Average seat utilization rate in 20171: {0:.2f}' .format(output.Registered/output.Size))
Average seat utilization rate in 20171: 0.67

b. Before Optimization: Percentage of Students Taking Courses in Prime Time

# Filter out courses held NOT in Prime Time
primeData = data.drop(data[(data['First Begin Time'] < float(10)) | (data['First End Time'] > float(16))].index)
outputPrime = primeData.agg(aggregations)
print('Percentage of students taking courses in prime time in 20171: {0:.2f}'
Percentage of students taking courses in prime time in 20171: 0.59


1. Performance metrics

There are two metrics of performance in our analysis. One is to represent the benefit of the administration office and the other reflects the interest of student and professors. The average seat utilization rate is the average of seat utilization rate for each course. As this rate increases, it will be beneficial for all the resources such as professor, classroom, and other operational resources. The prime-time (10am – 4pm) utilization rate measures the percentage of students taking courses in prime time. This metric can reflect the satisfaction degree both for students and for professor since the time slots in prime time are those time that more people prefer to take. We combine these two metrics with equal weights and obtain an overall rate to quantify the performance of class scheduling throughout the semester.

2. Data

I = {“M”, “T”, “W”, “H”, “F”}: set of days of week.
J: {“8”, ”10”, ……, “20”}: set of time slots, each with 2 hours long.
: set of time slots in prime time.
K: set of classrooms.
Z: set of courses.
: registered count of each course.
: number of days each course requires.
: size of each classroom.
C: total number of courses.
, : Weights of two key metrics in the objective function, = 1.

3. Decision Variable

: Whether course z is assigned to i day of week and j time slot in classroom k. (binary)

4. MIP

Optimization Model

1. Input data

I = ['M','T','W','H','F'] # day of week
J = np.arange(8, 22, 2) # time slot
Jprime = np.arange(10, 16, 2) # time slot in prime time
K = room.index # classroom

# course (with different sections)
Z = []
for z in range(0,len(schedules.index)):
    Z.append(schedules.loc[z, 'Course'] + ' ' + str(schedules.loc[z, 'Section']))

# reindex by using the combined course name and section so that each index is unique
schedules.index = Z

# registered count of each course
r = {}
for z in Z:
    r[z] = schedules.loc[z, 'Reg Count']

# number of days each course requires
n = {}
for z in Z:
    n[z] = schedules.loc[z, 'Days per week']

# size of classroom
s = {}
for k in K:
    s[k] = room.loc[k, 'Size']

2. Build a model

# Our decision variable x[i,j,k,z] is a binary variable of
# whether course z is assigned to ith day of week and jth time slot in classroom k
for i in I:
    for j in J:
        for k in K:
            for z in Z:
                x[i,j,k,z] = mod.addVar(vtype = grb.GRB.BINARY, name = 'x[{0},{1},{2},{3}]'.format(i, j, k, z))

3. Objective function

Important to note: Our objective is to maximize the average seat utilization rate of all the courses offered by Marshall and at the same time maximize the percentage of students that take courses in the prime time (10:00-16:00) we assign equal weight (0.5,0.5) to both ratio in our final objective value.

mod.setObjective(0.5 * ((sum((x[i,j,k,z] / n[z]) * (r[z] / s[k]) for i in I for j in J for k in K for z in Z))/len(Z)) +
                 0.5 * ((sum((x[i,j,k,z] / n[z]) * r[z] for i in I for j in Jprime for k in K for z in Z)) /
                        (sum(r[z] for z in Z))), sense = grb.GRB.MAXIMIZE)

4. Define some constraints

Constraints:Classroom capacity

# The size of the classroom assigned should be greater or equal to the registered count of the course
for i in I:
    for j in J:
        for k in K:
            for z in Z:
                mod.addConstr(x[i,j,k,z] * (s[k] - r[z]) >= 0,
                name = 'Number of seats in {0} is greater or equal to number of registered students in {1}'.format(k, z))

Constraints:Classroom availability

# Each classroom in each time slot in each day of week can only be assigned no more than once to a course
for i in I:
    for j in J:
        for k in K:
            mod.addConstr(sum(x[i,j,k,z] for z in Z) <= 1,
                name = 'Classroom {0} on {1} in time slot {2} is assigned to no more than one class'.format(k, i, j))

Constraints:Course duration

# Each course z should be assigned to exact n[z] time slots
for z in Z:
    mod.addConstr(sum(x[i,j,k,z] for i in I for j in J for k in K) == n[z],
                name = 'Course {0} is assigned to exact 1 time slot'.format(z))

Constraint:Courses taught in two days

# For those courses having classes two days per week, if they are assigned to a time slot in a classroom in a day,
# they will be assigned to the same time slot in the same classroom two days later.
# And for those courses with two classes per week, they can't be assigned to Friday
for z in Z:
    if n[z] == 2:
        for j in J:
            for k in K:            
                mod.addConstr(x['M',j,k,z] == x['W',j,k,z])
                mod.addConstr(x['T',j,k,z] == x['H',j,k,z])
                mod.addConstr(x['F',j,k,z] == 0)

5. Solve the Output


# Calculate the average seat utilization rate
avg_utilization_rate = (sum((x[i,j,k,z].x / n[z]) * (r[z] / s[k]) for i in I for j in J for k in K for z in Z))/len(Z)
# Calculate percentage of students taking courses in prime time
percent_prime = (sum((x[i,j,k,z].x / n[z]) * r[z] for i in I for j in Jprime for k in K for z in Z)) / (sum(r[z] for z in Z))

# Building a dataframe for the output
Objective_Value = ['Optimal Objective', '{0:.2f}'.format(mod.ObjVal)]
Output_rate = ['Average seat utilization rate', '{0:.2f}'.format(avg_utilization_rate)]
Output_percentage = ['Percentage of students taking courses in prime time', '{0:.2f}'.format(percent_prime)]
Summary = pd.DataFrame([Objective_Value, Output_rate, Output_percentage], columns = ['', 'Value'])
0 Optimal Objective 0.89
1 Average seat utilization rate 0.86
2 Percentage of students taking courses in prime... 0.92


# Building a table via a list of lists
SolutionTable = []
for z in Z:
    for k in K:
        for i in I:
            for j in J:
                SolutionTable.append([z, k, i+' '+str(j), r[z], s[k], n[z], x[i,j,k,z].x])
# Transforming table to data frame
Solution = pd.DataFrame(SolutionTable, columns = ['Course', 'Classroom', 'Time', 'Reg Count', 'Size', 'Days', 'Assignment'])
Solution = Solution.loc[Solution['Assignment'] != 0]
Course Classroom Time Reg Count Size Days Assignment
731 ACCT-370 14029 JFF LL105 F 14 130 149 1 1.0
3013 ACCT-370 14028 JKP202 M 14 37 54 2 1.0
3027 ACCT-370 14028 JKP202 W 14 37 54 2 1.0
3300 ACCT-370 14026 ACC303 T 14 46 46 2 1.0
3314 ACCT-370 14026 ACC303 H 14 46 46 2 1.0
5610 ACCT-370 14027 JFF240 T 14 47 48 2 1.0
5624 ACCT-370 14027 JFF240 H 14 47 48 2 1.0
7001 ACCT-371 14044 JFF LL105 M 10 128 149 1 1.0
9034 ACCT-371 14040 JFF331 M 16 25 36 2 1.0
9048 ACCT-371 14040 JFF331 W 16 25 36 2 1.0
9528 ACCT-371 14042 ACC205 T 10 32 36 2 1.0
9542 ACCT-371 14042 ACC205 H 10 32 36 2 1.0
12119 ACCT-371 14041 JFF327 T 12 33 36 2 1.0
12133 ACCT-371 14041 JFF327 H 12 33 36 2 1.0
13518 ACCT-371 14043 JFF241 T 10 38 48 2 1.0
13532 ACCT-371 14043 JFF241 H 10 38 48 2 1.0
15442 ACCT-372 14052 JFF417 T 8 27 36 2 1.0
15456 ACCT-372 14052 JFF417 H 8 27 36 2 1.0
16915 ACCT-372 14050 JFF331 T 14 35 36 2 1.0
16929 ACCT-372 14050 JFF331 H 14 35 36 2 1.0
17538 ACCT-372 14051 ACC310 M 14 37 54 2 1.0
17552 ACCT-372 14051 ACC310 W 14 37 54 2 1.0
19666 ACCT-373 14058 JFF LL125 F 14 80 101 1 1.0
20756 ACCT-373 14057 BRI202 M 10 40 42 2 1.0
20770 ACCT-373 14057 BRI202 W 10 40 42 2 1.0
22332 ACCT-373 14056 BRI202 M 12 40 42 2 1.0
22346 ACCT-373 14056 BRI202 W 12 40 42 2 1.0
24257 ACCT-374 14060 JFF LL102 M 12 46 48 2 1.0
24271 ACCT-374 14060 JFF LL102 W 12 46 48 2 1.0
26505 ACCT-374 14061 JKP102 T 14 52 52 2 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
655453 WRIT-340 66719 ACC312 T 10 19 20 2 1.0
655467 WRIT-340 66719 ACC312 H 10 19 20 2 1.0
657021 WRIT-340 66789 ACC312 M 10 19 20 2 1.0
657035 WRIT-340 66789 ACC312 W 10 19 20 2 1.0
659334 WRIT-340 66736 JFF313 M 16 19 20 2 1.0
659348 WRIT-340 66736 JFF313 W 16 19 20 2 1.0
660881 WRIT-340 66748 JFF312 T 16 19 20 2 1.0
660895 WRIT-340 66748 JFF312 H 16 19 20 2 1.0
662450 WRIT-340 66742 JFF312 M 18 19 20 2 1.0
662464 WRIT-340 66742 JFF312 W 18 19 20 2 1.0
664065 WRIT-340 66725 JFF313 T 14 19 20 2 1.0
664079 WRIT-340 66725 JFF313 H 14 19 20 2 1.0
665641 WRIT-340 66763 JFF313 T 16 19 20 2 1.0
665655 WRIT-340 66763 JFF313 H 16 19 20 2 1.0
666472 WRIT-340 66734 ACC312 M 12 19 20 2 1.0
666486 WRIT-340 66734 ACC312 W 12 19 20 2 1.0
668746 WRIT-340 66767 JFF312 M 10 19 20 2 1.0
668760 WRIT-340 66767 JFF312 W 10 19 20 2 1.0
670322 WRIT-340 66740 JFF312 M 12 19 20 2 1.0
670336 WRIT-340 66740 JFF312 W 12 19 20 2 1.0
671206 WRIT-340 66728 ACC312 T 16 19 20 2 1.0
671220 WRIT-340 66728 ACC312 H 16 19 20 2 1.0
673512 WRIT-340 66787 JFF313 T 8 19 20 2 1.0
673526 WRIT-340 66787 JFF313 H 8 19 20 2 1.0
675058 WRIT-340 66714 JFF312 T 20 19 20 2 1.0
675072 WRIT-340 66714 JFF312 H 20 19 20 2 1.0
676657 WRIT-340 66777 JFF313 M 12 19 20 2 1.0
676671 WRIT-340 66777 JFF313 W 12 19 20 2 1.0
677502 WRIT-340 66781 ACC312 T 8 19 20 2 1.0
677516 WRIT-340 66781 ACC312 H 8 19 20 2 1.0

740 rows × 7 columns

# Concatenate day of week and time slot in each day
Time = []
for i in I:
    for j in J:
        Time.append(i+' '+str(j))

# Create a data frame with time as index and classroom as columns
ScheduleTable = pd.DataFrame(index = Time, columns = K)
# Assign blank value into each cell
ScheduleTable = ScheduleTable.fillna('')

# If a course is assigned to a specific time and classroom, fill it into corresponding cell in the data frame
for t in Time:
    for k in K:
        for a in Solution.index:
            if str(Solution.loc[a,'Time']) == str(t):
                if str(Solution.loc[a,'Classroom']) == str(k):
                    ScheduleTable.loc[t,k] = Solution.loc[a,'Course']
Room ACC 306B ACC201 ACC205 ACC236 ACC303 ACC306B ACC310 ACC312 BRI202 BRI202A ... JFF416 JFF417 JKP102 JKP104 JKP110 JKP112 JKP202 JKP204 JKP210 JKP212
M 8 FBE-529 15403 WRIT-340 66785 BUAD-302 14681 ...
M 10 ACCT-582 14289 BAEP-451 14378 BUAD-302 14662 MKT-599 16564 BUAD-281 14524 ACCT-574 14202 BUAD-281 14520 WRIT-340 66789 ACCT-373 14057 BUAD-304 14728 ... BUAD-497 15104 BUAD-306 14786 ACCT-470 14116 BAEP-451 14375 ECON-351 26358 ECON-352 26367 ACCT-430 14145 DSO-530 16276 FBE-391 15310 BUAD-311 14904
M 12 GSBA-612 16111 BUAD-497 15108 BUAD-302 14654 ACCT-473 14136 BUAD-497 15110 ACCT-473 14137 WRIT-340 66734 ACCT-373 14056 BUAD-310 14892 ... MKT-556 16537 BUAD-302 14650 DSO-547 16280 ACCT-470 14115 MOR-588 16720 FBE-421 15324 BUAD-306 14782 ACCT-470 14117 BUAD-311T 14906 MOR-421 16677
M 14 BUAD-281 14530 BAEP-554 14448 ACCT-581 14277 MKT-450 16496 ACCT-372 14051 WRIT-340 66769 FBE-554 15425 BUAD-310 14897 ... BUAD-307 14848 BAEP-551 14446 BUAD-280 14509 BUAD-280 14507 FBE-421 15325 ECON-352 26368 ACCT-370 14028 BUAD-280 14513 FBE-441 15362 ECON-352 26363
M 16 DSO-582 16289 ACCT-574 14203 BUAD-302 14677 ... ACCT-581 14276
M 18 ACCT-580T 14273 WRIT-340 66779 BUAD-302T 14704 ... MOR-598 16730
M 20 BUAD-305 14768 WRIT-340 66716 MKT-445 16493 ... FBE-558 15440
T 8 ACCT-430 14146 WRIT-340 66781 BUAD-302 14683 ... ACCT-372 14052
T 10 BUAD-281 14521 ACCT-371 14042 BUAD-306 14787 FBE-557 15436 BUAD-307 14822 ACCT-474 14140 WRIT-340 66719 MOR-463 16673 BUAD-304 14751 ... BUAD-497 15092 ACCT-416 14105 MKT-533 16530 DSO-510 16302 ECON-352 26365 BUAD-311 14912 ACCT-377 14067 FBE-535 15417 BUAD-311 14903 BUAD-311 14905
T 12 BAEP-451 14379 ACCT-530 14207 MOR-431 16671 BUAD-281 14528 ACCT-528 14242 BUAD-305 14766 ACCT-410 14003 BUAD-304 14755 ... MKT-405 16469 MOR-469 16680 DSO-570 16298 ECON-351 26349 ECON-351 26348 FBE-458 15367 BUAD-280 14508 ACCT-568T 14246 ACCT-474 14141 BUAD-302 14685
T 14 DSO-424 16218 BUAD-201 14486 ACCT-410 14004 ACCT-370 14026 ACCT-528 14228 WRIT-340 66791 MKT-530 16525 BUAD-310 14923 ... MKT-405 16471 BUAD-302T 14701 ACCT-374 14061 ECON-351 26350 BUAD-306 14780 BUAD-306 14783 FBE-400 15315 MOR-579 16725 BUAD-311 14902 ECON-351 26356
T 16 WRIT-340 66728 BUAD-302 14646 ... MKT-525 16518
T 18 DSO-433 16227 WRIT-340 66715 FBE-470 15380 ...
T 20 BAEP-491 14397 WRIT-340 66746 BUAD-311 14914 ...
W 8 FBE-529 15403 WRIT-340 66785 BUAD-302 14681 ...
W 10 ACCT-582 14289 BAEP-451 14378 BUAD-302 14662 MKT-599 16564 BUAD-281 14524 ACCT-574 14202 BUAD-281 14520 WRIT-340 66789 ACCT-373 14057 BUAD-304 14721 ... BUAD-497 15104 BUAD-306 14786 ACCT-470 14116 BAEP-451 14375 ECON-351 26358 ECON-352 26367 ACCT-430 14145 DSO-530 16276 FBE-391 15310 BUAD-311 14904
W 12 GSBA-612 16111 BUAD-497 15108 BUAD-302 14654 ACCT-473 14136 BUAD-497 15110 BUAD-310 14916 ACCT-473 14137 WRIT-340 66734 ACCT-373 14056 BUAD-304 14749 ... MKT-556 16537 BUAD-302 14650 DSO-547 16280 ACCT-470 14115 MOR-588 16720 FBE-421 15324 BUAD-306 14782 ACCT-470 14117 BUAD-311T 14906 MOR-421 16677
W 14 BUAD-281 14530 BAEP-554 14448 ACCT-581 14277 MKT-450 16496 ACCT-372 14051 WRIT-340 66769 FBE-554 15425 BUAD-307 14832 ... BUAD-307 14848 BAEP-551 14446 BUAD-280 14509 BUAD-280 14507 FBE-421 15325 ECON-352 26368 ACCT-370 14028 BUAD-280 14513 FBE-441 15362 ECON-352 26363
W 16 DSO-582 16289 ACCT-574 14203 BUAD-302 14677 ... ACCT-581 14276
W 18 ACCT-580T 14273 WRIT-340 66779 BUAD-302T 14704 ... MOR-598 16730
W 20 BUAD-305 14768 WRIT-340 66716 MKT-445 16493 ... FBE-558 15440
H 8 ACCT-430 14146 WRIT-340 66781 BUAD-302 14683 ... ACCT-372 14052
H 10 BUAD-304 14740 BUAD-281 14521 ACCT-371 14042 BUAD-306 14787 FBE-557 15436 ACCT-474 14140 WRIT-340 66719 MOR-463 16673 BUAD-304 14745 ... BUAD-497 15092 ACCT-416 14105 MKT-533 16530 DSO-510 16302 ECON-352 26365 BUAD-311 14912 ACCT-377 14067 FBE-535 15417 BUAD-311 14903 BUAD-311 14905
H 12 BAEP-451 14379 ACCT-530 14207 MOR-431 16671 BUAD-281 14528 ACCT-528 14242 BUAD-305 14766 ACCT-410 14003 BUAD-304 14731 ... MKT-405 16469 MOR-469 16680 DSO-570 16298 ECON-351 26349 ECON-351 26348 FBE-458 15367 BUAD-280 14508 ACCT-568T 14246 ACCT-474 14141 BUAD-302 14685
H 14 DSO-424 16218 BUAD-201 14486 ACCT-410 14004 ACCT-370 14026 ACCT-528 14228 WRIT-340 66791 MKT-530 16525 BAEP-599 14425 ... MKT-405 16471 BUAD-302T 14701 ACCT-374 14061 ECON-351 26350 BUAD-306 14780 BUAD-306 14783 FBE-400 15315 MOR-579 16725 BUAD-311 14902 ECON-351 26356
H 16 WRIT-340 66728 BUAD-302 14646 ... MKT-525 16518
H 18 DSO-433 16227 WRIT-340 66715 FBE-470 15380 ...
H 20 BAEP-491 14397 WRIT-340 66746 BUAD-311 14914 ...
F 8 ...
F 10 BUAD-425 15005 BUAD-310 14888 BUAD-307 14802 BUAD-304 14732 ACCT-526 14233 BUAD-302T 14708 BUAD-304 14743 BUAD-307 14834 BUAD-304 14727 ... BUAD-307 14820 BUAD-304 14737 BUAD-304 14739 ACCT-570T 14257 BUAD-304 14723 BUAD-310 14893 BUAD-304 14733
F 12 BUAD-425 15008 DSO-401 16215 BUAD-425 15003 BUAD-425 15016 MOR-331 16682 BUAD-252 14591 BUAD-307 14804 BUAD-304 14725 ... BUAD-304 14722 BUAD-307 14808 BUAD-304 14748 BAEP-499 14401 BUAD-310 14891 BUAD-304 14746
F 14 BUAD-304 14752 BUAD-304 14736 BAEP-465 14392 BUAD-425 15013 BAEP-465 14393 BUAD-307 14846 BUAD-310 14899 ... BUAD-302T 14705 BUAD-310 14895 BUAD-302T 14707 BUCO-450 15198 BUAD-304 14747 DSO-401 16216 BUAD-200 14487
F 16 ...
F 18 ...
F 20 ...

35 rows × 45 columns

Output several dataframes to the same excel file

writer = pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx')
Summary.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'Summary', index = False)
Solution.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'Solution', index = False)
ScheduleTable.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'Schedule Table')

Results and Conclusions

Our optimization output is actionable, logically coherent from the input data and has plausible assumptions to back it up.

1. Actionable

Using our optimization outputs, The Scheduling Team will be able to get the potential gains as listed below:

  • Improve the current average seat utilization rate of Marshall courses from 67% to 86%
  • Increase the percentage of students taking the Marshall courses in prime time from 59% to 92%
  • Monitor and evaluate the Marshall course schedules and classrooms from one term to another term more efficiently than the manual procedure
  • Efficiently utilize the available space to schedule all courses and output a feasible schedule on time, well before registration starts
  • Satisfy the preferences of faculty by prioritizing courses taught in two days will be held at the same time

2. Logically coherent from the input data

The output implies which Marshall courses should be assigned into specific time (on Monday to Friday at 8AM to 10PM) and a specific classroom out of 45 classrooms. From the table we can see, more courses are allocated in the prime time (10AM to 4PM) that implies our model is able to satisfy the preferences of students.
Furthermore, for courses taught in two days, they will be assigned into different days but at the same time (see the whole output for further clarification) and this feature will satisfy the preferences of faculty. All courses are assigned after considering optimal classrooms capacity, possible crash courses, courses taught in two days at the same time and the prime-time preference.

3. Has plausible assumptions to back it up

We believe with the following assumptions, our model would work well for a larger dataset.

  • We excluded courses longer than two hours. In fact, these courses are around 20% of all the courses so we highly encourage the team to schedule them manually.
  • At this stage, we decided to overlook time consecutiveness. Actually, we have tried to add this constraint into our model, but it is computationally expensive to run the model (it took more than 24 hours to run the model for a large dataset).
  • We excluded online courses and courses held in offices.


  1. Gurobi Python
  2. Mixed Integer Programming